Close the tap is a video competition, free to charge and open to everyone, with several awards to be won and dedicated to the climate, whose aim is to increase awareness on this topic and foster the action towards a climate transition.
Why Close the tap?
Science informs us of the still too large “gap” between what we should be doing and what the whole world is doing to face an unprecedented global challenge. Meanwhile, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions keep accumulating in the atmosphere every year as if they were produced by a tap that continues inexorably to fill a bathtub. But the water is getting closer and closer to the edge of the bathtub and it is essential to reverse this course, starting to close the tap as soon as possible. The idea of the Close the tap competition promoted by Aequilibria S.r.l. – SB arises from this concept.
We know how necessary it is to promote the action of both individuals and global society, and visual art plays a great role in supporting the necessary change.
The concept of 2025
The concept assigned for the 2025 edition is:
The candidate can freely interpret this concept in terms of communication, while guaranteeing the scientific solidity of the contents

Our jury
CEO of Aequilibria S.r.l. – SB, he is Chair of CEN/TC 467 “Climate change” and Convenor of UNI/CT4/GL15 “Cambiamento climatico”.

Responsible of the multimedia unit at the Digital learning and multimedia office at the University of Padua.

President of Pluriart Association and artistic director of “Pluriart Film Festival” (international short film festival).

Creative director and founder of the animation studio “The Magic Collective”, whose aim is to create an impact through visual storytelling.

Team of Aequilibria Srl – SB
The whole staff of Aequilibria, expert in carbon management, contributes with a collegial judgment.

Frequently asked questions
Do you still have doubts? Find out more about the contest, so you can best prepare.
In case of any question, it is possible to send an email to info@closethetap.it. For the duration of the contest and for the sake of transparency, the promoter will respond to applicants’ requests directly by email and then will share each applicant’s questions and the given answers by updating this FAQ section on the website.