The Close the tap video competition, whose access is free to charge and open to everyone, promotes the creation of effective and engaging videos focused on climate change.
The videos must be developed in accordance with the concept proposed in the 2025 edition, that is:
We are the power
Each work can be processed according to a Live action video or Animated video technique. The selection of the type of technique and style to be adopted is a free choice of the author.
The winner will be selected by the 22nd of April 2025: the winner will receive a prize worth € 2.000. It will also be possible to set up an independent Special Jury Prize worth € 700.

How to participate
In order to apply to the competition it is necessary to fill in and send the application form by the 10th of April 2025 to, writing «Close the tap Award» in the subject.
Together with the application form, it is necessary to attach a brief written report which illustrates the methodologies and contents of the proposed video, and send the video (in .mp4 format, max 1,5 GB) through WeTransfer, or equivalent platform, to the address
It is possible to download the application form and the regulation here.

The steps of the competition
Make a video
Create a live action video or an animated video on the concept assigned.
Submit the video
Send your video by the 10th of April 2025 to, writing «Close the tap Award» in the subject.
Selection of the winners
The jury will evaluate the candidate videos and by the 22nd of April 2025 will award a prize of € 2.000. A Special Jury Prize of € 700 may also be granted.